Opening Parade and Ceremonies at the Shire Gate, Greenwood Fox Hunt

Ye Merrie Greenwood Renaissance Faire
2010 Schedule of Performances


Boar's Head Stage

Merchant's Stage,

Nobles’ Glade

Greenwood Stage

Scullions' Stage

Queen's Stage

Tourney Field,

Royal Magik

Maypole, Innyard Stage

SCA Eric & Privateers’ Camp


Parade In - Opening Ceremonies at the Shire Gate
Fox Hunt,
Maypole Dancers,
Ye Merrie Greenwood Players, Musicians, English Country Dancers, & Renaissance Dancers
Cannon Fires at 10:00



Middle Eastern Dancers

A Visit with William Shakespear

Harper Tasche, Harper of the Beautiful Silver Hair

Rebel Tymes

Irish Music

The Oak Leaf Revelers

Romeo & Juliet Abridged



Royal Magik


Puget Sound Pirates, Pacific NW Privateers Gun Demo



Bridgetowne Morrismen Dancers of Renown

James Funke-Loubigniac
Musician from the North

The Charming Puppets of
Clay Martin

Idlewild Musicians and Storytellers from the Far East

Fighters of the Society For Creative Anachronism



The Amazing Reverend Chumleigh,
Man of Mystery

Ye Merrie Greenwood Players Renaissance Singers

Janet Naylor
Harpist to Her Serene Highness Princess Tatiana

Natural Magicks
Magician to Her Royal Magestie

Last Leaf Productions -

A Winter's Tale


Seattle Knights

Nuwwar Al-Sahraa Middle Eastern Dancers

Fighters of the Imperial Shire of Brunico Empire of Adria



Queen of the Gypsies, Storytellers & Swashbucklers

William Barr
Master Juggler to Her Glorious Magestie

A Visit with William Shakespearh

Animul Hawse Puppets Visitors from the North



Royal Magik


Silver Strings
Fyne Musik from the West


Whips Unimaginable




Michaela,Bare Naked Bellies, Gypsie Dancers & The Red Throbbing Hand, Musicians

The Sherwood Singers

Madrigals from the South

James the Obscure, Storyteller to Her Excellency Olivia,Baroness Hockstanbourge

Idlewild Musicians and Storytellers from the Far East

Magical Strings

Harp Music Extraordinare


Bridgetowne Morrismen Dancers of Renown

The Not So Traditional Ye Merrie Greenwood Puppets

Van Zee
Amazing Magiks from the North

Her Excellency's Uniquely Magnificent Madrigal Singers

Natan Der Sanger Vocalist of Great Merit

Ye Merrie Greenwood Scots, Storytellers & Bag Piper

Troupe Du Soleil
Middle Eastern Dancers

Puget Sound Pirates, Pacific NW Privateers Gun Demo



Middle Eastern Dancers

Natural Magicks
Magician to Her Royal Magestie

Harper Tasche, Harper of the Beautiful Silver Hair

Rebel Tymes

Irish Music


Oak Leaf Revelers

Macbeth The Comedy


Seattle Knights

At the Innyard - Alun Orman, The Farwander, Musician & Vocalist

At the Maypole Commons - Greenwood English Country Dancers



Sir Artur's School of the Courtly Arts

James Funke-Loubigniac
Musician from the North

The Charming Puppets of
Clay Martin

James the Obscure, Storyteller to Her Excellency Olivia,Baroness Hockstanbourge



Royal Magik

Nuwwar Al-Sahraa Middle Eastern Dancers

Fighters of the Society For Creative Anachronism



The Amazing Reverend Chumleigh,
Man of Mystery

The Not So Traditional Ye Merrie Greenwood Puppets

Janet Naylor
Harpist to Her Serene Highness Princess Tatianah

Her Excellency's Uniquely Magnificent Madrigal Singers

Last Leaf Productions -

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Magical Strings

Harp Music Extraordinare

Ye Merrie Greenwood




Queen of the Gypsies, Storytellers & Swashbucklers

The Sherwood Singers

Madrigals from the South

Silver Strings
Fyne Musik from the West

Rebel Tymes

Irish Music

Natan Der Sanger Vocalist of Great Merit

Troupe Du Soleil
Middle Eastern Dancers

Fighters of the Imperial Shire of Brunico Empire of Adria



Michaela,Bare Naked Bellies, Gypsie Dancers & The Red Throbbing Hand, Musicians

James the Obscure, Storyteller to Her Excellency Olivia,Baroness Hockstanbourge

William Barr
Master Juggler to Her Glorious Magestie

Animul Hawse Puppets Visitors from the North



Royal Magik

Alun Orman,
The Farwander, Musician & Vocalist

Puget Sound Pirates, Pacific NW Privateers Gun Demo



Bridgetowne Morrismen Dancers of Renown


A Visit with William Shakespear


Harper Tasche, Harper of the Beautiful Silver Hair

Idlewild Musicians and Storytellers from the Far East

Middle Eastern Dancers
Ye Merrie Greenwood Musicians Magical Strings

Ye Merrie Greenwood




Natural Magicks
Magician to Her Royal Magestie

The Charming Puppets of
Clay Martin

Natan Der Sanger Vocalist of Great Merit

Silver Strings
Fyne Musik from the West

Ye Merrie Greenwood Scots, Storytellers & Bag Piper

Nuwwar Al-Sahraa Middle Eastern Dancers


Whips Unimaginable




Troupe Du Soleil
Middle Eastern Dancers

4:30 Royal Magestie Elizabeth, Queen of England, and Her Court Arrives
4:45 Bridgetowne Morris Dancers
4:55 English Country Dancers
5:05 Master Etcher & Master Shakespeare duel with words
5:15 Her Excellency's Uniquely Magnificent Madrigals
5:25 Her Royal Magestie and Her Court Retire

Janet Naylor
Harpist to Her Serene Highness Princess Tatianah

Animul Hawse Puppets Visitors from the North

The Sherwood Singers

Madrigals from the South

Seattle Knights

Alun Orman,
The Farwander, Musician & Vocalist


James Funke-Loubigniac
Musician from the North

The Amazing Reverend Chumleigh, Man of Mystery

Cannon Fires at 5:30